Carson, D ~ Environmental Storytelling, Part II

Carson, Don
Environmental Storytelling, Part II: Bringing Theme Park Environment Design Techniques to the Virtual World (01.03.2010)

“By adding varied pathways to the same destination, you allow your audience to create their own journey.”

“Even within a group of visitors, each member may have an experience unique to them. An experience they can share, but that is still distinctively theirs.” An EA can do the same.

“Tell them where they’re going,
Tell them where they are, and
Tell them where they’ve been.”
“This little bit of nudging does not have to take up very much of the game players’ time, but strategically placed reminders throughout your game will keep them on the right track and make them less apt to lose interest in where they are going.”

About the author

Woitek Konzal

Producer, Consultant, Lecturer & Researcher. I love working where technology meets media in novel ways. Once, I even won an Emmy for digital innovation doing that. Be it for a small but exciting campaign about underground electronic music collectives or for a monster project combining two movies, various 360° videos, 72 ARG-like mini puzzles, and a Unity game, all wrapped up in one cross-platform app – I have proven my ability to adapt to what is required. This passion for novel technologies has regularly allowed me to cross paths with tech startups – an industry and philosophy I am all set to engage with more. I intensely enjoy balancing out my practical work with academic research, teaching, and consulting. Also, I have a PhD in Creative Industries, a M.Sc. in Business Administration, and love to kitesurf.

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