Screen Daily ~ Editorial – Stuck in the middle

The film industry is moving towards blockbusters and micro-budget. The middle ground, what some call quality film, is disappearing. Specialty divisions of majors have left the field. New players emerge, but the prospects are bad. “Over-production has been an issue for film for some years.”

“A long tail and a giant head do not make for a healthy film industry. Film needs its middle ground.” -> But isn’t perhaps the long tail the solution?

Screen Daily

About the author

Woitek Konzal

Producer, Consultant, Lecturer & Researcher. I love working where technology meets media in novel ways. Once, I even won an Emmy for digital innovation doing that. Be it for a small but exciting campaign about underground electronic music collectives or for a monster project combining two movies, various 360° videos, 72 ARG-like mini puzzles, and a Unity game, all wrapped up in one cross-platform app – I have proven my ability to adapt to what is required. This passion for novel technologies has regularly allowed me to cross paths with tech startups – an industry and philosophy I am all set to engage with more. I intensely enjoy balancing out my practical work with academic research, teaching, and consulting. Also, I have a PhD in Creative Industries, a M.Sc. in Business Administration, and love to kitesurf.

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