“Just like the world economy, the film industry has burgeoned out of control. It’s inflated and overblown. It needs to let some air out of the bubble and return to a more reasonable size and scale.”
“We’re at a crossroads. So much of what we’ve counted on isn’t working. It’s not a question of old school vs. new school. It’s Lewis and Clark time, the things we’re not sure about, that we hang our hat on, like movie stars.”
“The bigger the movie stars become, the more constricting their roles and the scope of their roles.”
“Bring costs down and they’ll gain more flexibility to make better, more interesting and varied movies. They could lure adults back to theaters and appeal to niche markets without having to play it safe with four-quadrant pics.”
Variety ~ Hollywood’s A-list losing star power (01.10.2009)
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